After a staff meeting this morning, I decided that a little bit of retail therapy was in order (to shake away the cobwebs and hopefully this burgeoning cold). Firstly, stopping off at the Body Shop to buy a lipstick that I had lost on a drunken night out, (much of my makeup has been sacrificed to these dancing evenings). Then deciding that a trip into Primark for cheap work t-shirts was unavoidable, I gritted my teeth and made my way through the glass doors. After quickly grabbing what I needed, I decided to head towards the home section. Curiosity and probably a small portion of idiocy supporting this. After wandering around for a couple of minutes a turquoise cushion catches my eye. A pug cushion! Well..... baring in mind that my boyfriend is obsessed with pugs, I couldn't resist picking it up for him (especially after seeing the price). So, with surprise present in hand I hurry to the till to purchase my items and retreat from the hell that is the Liverpool Primark.
Nonsensical x
Soooo cuuuute! He has Carl's eyes ;-)